Super small JQuery / JavaScript image mouseover script |
I've been developing more and more rich content using JQuery / JavaScript and today I spent a little time researching and putting together an image mouseover script.
Sure, there are loads of them already, but I really wanted to see how compact and efficient I could get this simple bit of functionality.
Simple JQuery way to detect links pointing to external domains |
Ever wanted to detect links on your site that point to other domains? A few times in the past I've had requests to be able to pick out all the hyperlinks from a site that move a user to a different domain.
Book review: jQuery 1.4 Animation Techniques: Beginners Guide |
JQuery Sortable Drag and Drop lists and a server side AJAX save |
This article explains how you can use a few JQuery interactions to create a sortable drag and drop list and save its state to a server side processing template.