Shaun Mccran

My digital playground


MS SQL Stored procedure templates

Over the course of working with one employer, I headed up an investigation into our current server performance, and how would could potentially aim for at least a 25% to 30% increase on our current user thresholds before our capacity maxed out.

After looking through a series of server logs, and data transactions it was easy to see that the server technology being used, Coldfusion, is not the most efficient data handler in the world.

So after stripping back our application layer, taking a peek under the hood, and changing around 600 or so instances of data connectivity from inline SQL code, to Stored Procedures, we had more than exceeded our target gain. In fact under stress testing we had achieved a consistent increase of around 65% threshold. As a quick set of figures, the server loads had changed from CF, running at 75%-80% dropping to 20%-25%, and SQL server running at 6% increased to around 15%.

Based on these figures, and architectural methodologies I've learnt since, I would always recommend stored procedures over inline SQL code. This has lead me to develop a standard set of SQL templates for developers to use.

They are self checking, repeatable SQL templates that will action the desired changes, and check for any existing conditions up front. The idea is that a non technical resource could run them, and receive a useable English response.

1. Select statement
2. Update Statement
3. Insert statement
4. Delete statement


Source control client for Photoshop

I already use tortoise SVN and subclipse for Eclipse as a source control plugin. This handles the code base nicely, but I was recently sent this link for an ex-work colleague.

Pixelnovel is a web based source control application designed for photoshop.

It looks like a basic version is free, so I think I'll give it a whirl....


Be careful using URL FlashVars!

A while ago I subscribed to an online magazine. Its a bit laddish, but it has the odd interesting article, and its done in flash/flex.

The most recent article arrived in my in-box the other day, and one of the pages was an advert for the new film 'eagle eye' rather unfortunately they had passed in your subscription name value as a flashVar in the URL scope.

This is probably one of the easiest ways to pass variables into flex, but also the most unsecure, and easily changed, as per the screen shot below. Luckily in this case it was just a display variable, but what about if this was a query param? or a value for a piece of data being sent back to a server?

There are many other ways of passing variables into flex apps, I'd go for using a properties file. Have your flex look for a server side XML definitions file on "creationComplete". Or edit your Embed/Object code, whilst still not ideal its far better than a url variable!

The magazine: