Simple Coldfusion script to detect if a user is on a Mobile platform |
After all the 'mobile talk' at the recent Scotch on the Rocks conference my interest was piqued into looking at mobile versions of sites, and how we as developers can try and seamlessly integrate mobile platforms into our web applications.
The article deals with the first step of that, which is detecting if your user is hitting your site on a mobile platform.
There is a full example of this here: http://www.mccran.co.uk/examples/detect/, hitting this URL with an iPhone or Android device will serve up a different response.
Fck editor inserting xhtml and browser specific code |
I've been using the fck editor to handle my rich text areas in a content management application. I have to say I like the way it works, and it integrates easily with a Coldfusion platform. It does however have a few issues. This article deals with fck editor using xhtml code, and the editor using a few browser specific html rewrites.
Note: I can't have xhtml code in my site, as the definition type is not xhtml, and it fails an accessibility check if any is present.
Xbox 360 Voice CFC released on RIAforge.org |
Every time you turn on your Xbox 360 console and sign in with your Gamer profile your console records the data to an online server. www.360voice.com have written a service to consume the XML data.
360 Voice CFC http://360voice.riaforge.org is a Coldfusion based service layer that lets you consume the generated XML feeds from http://www.360voice.com.
Xbox 360 Gamer Card App released on RIAforge.org |
After Scotch on the Rocks in London I was struck with how many developers are also gamers. It seems there are a lot of us who build applications for people, then go home and relax in front of an Xbox 360 Console.
With that in mind I thought I would wrap up a service I have used in the past. A site, http://www.mygamercard.net/ provides a service where you can generate a graphic of your Xbox 360 account. They call this a Gamer Card, and it is available in a few different formats.
There is an example here
You can download the project here: http://gamercard.riaforge.org/