Handling Error templates in FW/1 |
This blog article describes how FW/1 looks for and uses an error handling template.
Unlike a lot of open source software FW/1 actually has a pretty decent development guide document. Start off by reading it here: https://github.com/seancorfield/fw1/wiki/Developing-Applications-Manual
The error handling section of the document states that FW/1 will attempt to run 'main.error', if your defaultSection was main, it would look for the file error.cfm.
You can override this in the setup structure in Application.cfc, as per below.
3error = 'main.error' // defaultSection & '.error'
5// or: defaultSubsystem & subsystemDelimiter & defaultSection & '.error'
This works well and makes a lot of sense to me, so now all thats left is to construct an error page.
FW/1 allows you to exempt individual pages from the views layer, but I prefer my error templates to look and work exactly like the rest of the site so I haven't done that.
Dumping all the scopes out in the error page I can see that the url.page variable contains the page I tried to call when the error took place. Also the request scope contains a whole set of data about the error, so I've added a cfdump of that into the cfmail tag.
That way every time the error handler is requested I get an email with the page it tried to call and a dump of the exception message.
2 <cfmail to="" from="" subject="Error" type="html">
4 Admin,<br>
6 This page has broken: #url.page#
8 <cfdump var="#request.exception#" label="Error stack">
10 </cfmail>
Next I'll deal with a global 'page not found' handler within FW/1.