Shaun Mccran

My digital playground


Streaming media to Xbox 360's and PS3's using Twonky Media Suite

I run a windows server 2003 pc at home, server 2003 is a great little web server that can handle multiple roles, including file storage. Unfortunately it is not Upnp (universal Plug and Play) so will not stream media directly to media players like Xbox 360 consoles, and the Playstation 3.

The traditional (and recommended) solution to this is to stream the media through another more modern operating system that has upnp / dnla connections that reside in Windows Media player. This can restrict where you store files on a network, I for one do not want to store media on a desktop machine that I rebuild every 4-6 months.

Another solution to this is to use a software application that acts as a translation layer. There are a few around, but the one I've been testing out recently is the Twonky Media Suite. It installs as a software service, and sits quietly in the background and serves up any media requests that hit it. It also appears on the network as a Upnp device, so it will be found by media players, and consoles.

Simply install the trial version, in the setup manager point to your media directories, and then fire up your media player. It will find it and allow you to browse through the different media types, completely bypassing the need for windows media center connections, or operating systems that are a little too old to know about Upnp or dnla.

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roofers's Gravatar It will find it and allow you to browse through the different media types, completely bypassing the need for windows media center connections, or operating systems that are a little too old to know about Upnp or dnla.
# Posted By roofers | 14/10/2015 06:18
Attorney's Gravatar Je moet van 1 van de personages zeggen waarom hij er niet 'bij hoort'. Maar daarna nog een keer maar dan van een ANDER personage!
# Posted By Attorney | 17/10/2015 02:35
site traffic's Gravatar It will find it and allow you to browse through the different media types, completely bypassing the need for windows media center connections, or operating systems that are a little too old to know about Upnp or dnla.
# Posted By site traffic | 22/10/2015 11:57
Build My List 2.0 Download's Gravatar completely bypassing the need for windows media center connections, or operating systems that are a little too old to know about Upnp or dnla.
# Posted By Build My List 2.0 Download | 08/11/2015 00:47
nat vps's Gravatar windows media center connections, or operating systems that are a little too old to know about Upnp or dnla.
# Posted By nat vps | 19/12/2015 23:08
buy garcinia cambogia's Gravatar ompletely bypassing the need for windows media center connections, or operating systems that are a little too old to know about Upnp or dnla.
# Posted By buy garcinia cambogia | 27/12/2015 05:31
harry's Gravatar running windows server2003 pc is very covenant to run multiple roles including file storage the drawback is it is upnp so will not mediaplayer directly like xbox360 and the play station. I have been looking for meanwhile got through this wonderful article. Looking forward for more.
# Posted By harry | 04/01/2016 02:25
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