Shaun Mccran

My digital playground


JavaScript Library conflicts when using more than one at the same time

Whilst building a new piece of functionality I have been trying to combine a JQuery carousel plug-in and the lightview prototype plug-in. This threw up an unexpected issue. Both libraries map the dollar ($) as their shortcut indicator. JQuery uses "$" as a shortcut as a replacement for "jQuery" and Prototype uses "$" as well.

It turns out that there is a JQuery command for exactly this issue. Wherever you include the JQuery library reference add another script code. The noConflict function maps which character you tell it as the short name for "JQuery".

view plain print about
1<s/cript src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
2<s/cript type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
3    google.load("jquery", "1.3");
7    jQuery.noConflict();
8    var J = jQuery;

Just remember to change your references to JQuery from "$" to "J", or whatever you assign it to.

view plain print about

Now both the Libraries can load into different namespaces.

Comments (Comment Moderation is enabled. Your comment will not appear until approved.)
Tim Leach's Gravatar I almost always use noConflict now, just to prevent errors in the future. Though for me it's much more readability to just use jQuery() instead of coming up with a shorthand, because honestly, "jQuery" is short enough for me.

On a side note, why not use jQuery's lightbox plugin?
# Posted By Tim Leach | 11/03/2010 21:38
Shaun McCran's Gravatar @Tim, thats a good point, using 'jQuery' makes more sense, and its actually descriptive, rather than just 'j'.

I have tried to use the prettyPhoto plugin, but it only supported iamges, rather than html content or an iframe.

I'll look for a JQuery based lightbox plugin, maybe that will solve an issue I'm having with it, as any scrollable objects not displayed onload do not work as lightbox links.
# Posted By Shaun McCran | 11/03/2010 22:36
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