A simple Fusebox reset function |
A simple Fusebox reset function
I am always forgetting the application URL for resetting fusebox frameworks, so instead of having to type out the entire fuseaction url, and appending the load variables, and the parsing variables you can create a fuse action for it.
2 <cfargument name="myFusebox" />
3 <cfargument name="event" />
5 <cfset xfa.reinit = "index.cfm?" & FUSEBOX_PARAMETERS.fuseactionVariable & "=" & "&fusebox.loadclean=true&fusebox.parseall=false&fusebox.execute=true&fusebox.password=" & FUSEBOX_PARAMETERS.password>
6 <cflocation url="#xfa.reinit#" addtoken="false">
7 </cffunction>
The code above will build the URL using the fuse action variable (IE 'action=' or whatever you have specified). It also uses the fusebox password set in your Application.cfc.
There may be a small security risk involved with this, so don't use an obvious name for the function. Also they would need your fusebox password.
Even then thought the only potential issue I can see with this is that someone may empty your framework cache and rebuild your application. Which isn't all that bad?