Shaun Mccran

My digital playground


Someone crashed into me on the M4!

That's right! On my usual trek home last Friday down the M4, I was sat in traffic just outside the latest Reading junction traffic jam, and whack! some idiot prangs the back of my car.

Unfortunately he pushed me into the red Saab in front of me, so now I've hit someone too. Curses.

What bothers me more though is that in the course of the three of us moving from the outside 'fast' lane onto the hard shoulder, the guy drove away! That's right! He sped off down the motorway.

So let it be known, if I should see you (I know what you look like) driving down the road in your gray ford focus, we shall have a reckoning!

Accidents happen, thats part of life, but being a scum bag and driving off, thats just low.

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